Learn how Linda McKissack and Dana Gentry used their 4 C's of Influence framework to create community, attract an audience, and grow several businesses to seven figures!
In the course, they go deep into the additional frameworks within the 4 C's of Influence and teach how you too can use them to boost your influence and find success!

The 4 C's of Influence Overview

Drop us your email below and we'll share our 4 C's of Influence with you!


Multiply Your Life and Business with the Power of Influence

Linda McKissack and Dana Gentry, hosts of the Everything Life And Real Estate Podcast, share and teach:

  • Their proven formula for BUILDING INFLUENCE

  • How to ATTRACT RATHER THAN CHASE clients, recruits, or whomever you're looking for into your business

  • How to take your failures and turn them into influential OPPORTUNITIES to build trust and connection

  • How to BECOME AN "IT" PLAYER and attract other "IT" players into your life!

Customized Event Soundscapes

We created a simple, easy-to-follow framework that we used to build and grow our influence. We call it The 4 C's of Influence and it's the basis for what we teach in this online course.

Multi-Sensory Marketing Campaigns

Additionally, we share a deeper framework that we developed for each of the 4 C's. These allow you to get super focused on the steps needed to build and grow your own influence!

Interviews with Experts

We hand selected influencers within our sphere, each of whom demonstrate one of the 4 C's for an in-depth interview on the topic and how they leveraged influence to get where they are today...


Hosts of the Everything Life And Real Estate Podcast


Linda McKissack

"I help successful but overworked real estate entrepreneurs understand and get the power of leverage and passive income, so they get freedom and margin for what matters most!"


Dana Gentry

"I help those in my tribe understand how to unleash their superpowers and greatest potentials so that they can live their most fulfilled and authentic lives, while impacting their own tribes."


How long is the course?

The course is broken into around 10 different videos totaling between 3 and 4 hours collectively.

How long do I have access once I purchase?

Your access to Everything Life And Influence is limited to 90 days. During that 90 days, you can watch and rewatch as many times as you wish.

What if I need more time?

If you need additional time to complete the course, please contact us via the email in the footer. We will grant a one-time extension if needed.

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